Tuesday 26 February 2013

The Respiratory System

Here is a pre-view of some of the stuff that we will be covering over the next few weeks.

January 2012 Anatomy 10 Mark Question - Ideal Answer

Here is the model answer for one of the 10 mark questions you did before half term.

Monday 25 February 2013

Drugs in Sport


To build muscle
To mask injury
To train harder
To control arousal
Pressure to win from coaches
Retaining sponsorship?
Lombardian ethic
Everyone else is doing it?
Low chance of being caught

(Michael Johnson talking about the issue of drugs in sport)

Lose medals/titles and prize money
Lifetime Olympic bans
Stricter punishments
Damaging to health
Lowers the status of the sport
Unfair advanatge

Better testing - more testing - more random tests
Educate athletes and coaches about drugs and consequences.
Focus on the positive role models and name and shame those who take drugs.
Legalise drugs in sport?

Cricket to up drug testing procedures!

Friday 22 February 2013

CHD conditions

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the UK's biggest killer, causing around 82,000 deaths each year. About one in five men and one in eight women die from the disease.

We can split it up into discrete areas for revision!
This post is about conditions of CHD, more will come on Risk Factors and Preventions........

CHD is the  failure of the coronary arteries to supply enough oxygen to the myocardium/heart muscle. 
It is the depositing of fatty materials in the coronary arteries of the heart causing a blockage.



Chest pain caused by the partial blockage of coronary artery

which ........

causes lack of oxygen to myocardium or heart tissue

Heart attack or myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest

sudden and severe restriction / complete blockage of oxygen supply to myocardium (heart tissue)


a condition where the walls of the coronary arteries become thicker or hard or less elastic


most common cause of CHD

and it is......

the accumulation of fatty deposits or cholesterol or plaque on walls of coronary arteries


leads to narrowing or blocking of the lumen or blood vessels

and it turn can.......

leads to stroke or heart attack or myocardial infarction

Thursday 21 February 2013


TV, demos, wall charts etc


effective -  it creates a mental picture.
not effective - poor demo

Insrtuctions, telling you what to do.


effective - gives information to improve performance
not effective - information overload!


Use of equipment to aid performance, kinaesthesis.


effective - gives confidence
not effective - can become reliant.


Support of limbs through a movement


effective - gives confidence and kinaesthesis
not effective - for autonomous performers.

Physical Education

Here is the latest report from OFSTED on PE lessons as reported by the Independent.


What is PE?  How can we define it????/

The teaching and learning 
of skills and sports.

Job done.

What benefits can we get from PE?

(each line would be a mark!!!)

Improved health, more BAHL, stress relief, reduced obesity.

Improved levels of fitness and sports skills

Knowledge of body systems - GCSE's A Levels!!! (hopefully!)

Career in PE??????

Leadership, discipline, character building.

Teamwork, Communication

Determination and overcoming challenges.

Decision making & Problem Solving

Sportsmanship & fair play


Wednesday 20 February 2013

Aussie Rules; the basics.

An introduction to Aussie Rules Football.


Originally a winter cricket training game by Tom Wills in 1850, Melbourne.

Could be a mix of........
Gaelic Football and Rugby
Rugby and Aboriginal Leaping game.

Why has it developed?

Its an Australian Game - work of the AFL
Media love it, TV show it so Sponsorship is key. 
GOLDEN TRIANGLE - sport/sponsorship/media

Schools play it and there is a pathway to the elite from school level.
Also mass participation, men&women, body types all catered for.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

London 2012 - Hosting benefits?

What are the benefits from Hosting the Olympics in London.................?


What order would you put them in???????

Can you think of any more?