Sunday 2 February 2014

Schema Theory..........

Day 2 of “Face February Fighting”

Schema theory is all about adapting motor programmes to suit the requirements of the skill being undertaken.

Its split into 4 parameters..........
Recall Schema
1. Initial Conditions
Awareness of the environment around you (Where am I, Have I been in this situation before?)
eg - What distance are you away from the basket?

2. Response Specifications
The requirements of the skill (What do I have to do?)
eg - what speed/height/trajectory do i need to shoot the basketball?

Recognition Schema
3. Sensory Consequences
Kinaesthesis or Intrinsic feedback (What does it feel like?)
eg - The feeling on the release of the shot.

4. Movement Outcomes
End result. (How successful was I?)
eg - The ball goes in the hoop/the ball misses

WAT - 4.3km run #needanewlung #FFF


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